There’s certainly an element of one-upmanship when it comes to towns and the quality of their water. We see your Evian and Mount Franklin and raise you Barcaldine’s basin. This aqua is A+. Barcaldine holds the title for ‘best tasting water’ in Queensland and New South Wales (2016), a title the local townsfolk are all too happy to share with any visitors passing through. Barcaldine’s water comes up from the Great Artesian Basin – and has been the liquid gold and lifeblood of the town since 1910. Until 2006, the 125 foot black and white tower held Barcaldine’s water supply, however the town’s water supply has now been moved to a much larger (and less iconic) green tank on Yew Street. Now, about the only thing this tower holds is its own engineering heritage-listing due to its important role in the history of Barcaldine.